

28 October 2017

Based on our robotic and linear path tracking/kinematic developments, we started to develop linear robots, which can be used for the tending of cutting tools and injection molding machines, among others. The basic designs also include the ball screw drive, the timing belt and the rack-and-pinion designs, which are used with mechanical and other requirements in mind.

16 August 2017

We are constantly developing our positioners for robotic welding tasks. Currently, we can offer our customers more than 50 types of positioning units, and by combining these units, we can realize hundreds of layouts, occuring in practice. From 250kg to 1000kg load capacity, we can offer these devices/equipments with countless options. An important aspect was that the precise cyclic power transmissions could be connected to servomotors from all robot manufacturers.

13 July 2016

Building on the bases of the modular welding cell, we developed the foundations of the robot cells which are needed for the tending of the machine tools.An important aspect of the development was, in this case, for us to be able to integrate the robots and associated controllers from all robot manufacturers into our system. In addition, we mapped the components that are commonly found in such a system.  

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